Digital Learning
Bring Your Own Device Programme
Students bring and use their own devices whilst accessing all their college work from cloud computing. This way they can use the tech which works best for them whilst accessing the programs they need onsite and anywhere else.
Microsoft Teams & ManageBac
Students can collaborate with each other and their teachers through Microsoft Teams and access assignments and track progress against objectives with ManageBac software.
Adobe Creative Cloud
Every ISL MYP and Diploma College student is given an Adobe Creative Cloud licence when they join us, giving them access the Adobe suite of programs, from Photoshop to Illustrator.
Digital Art
Students wishing to develop and broaden their skills in making Digital Art can access a wide range of technologies in the IB Diploma Art Studio.
Students studying IB Art can focus their artmaking towards lens-based, electronic, or screen-based forms. Students have worked with digital collage, film, video art, digital photography, and vector-based art - or a combination of these together. Students are encouraged to embark upon a journey of experimentation and use the suite of Macs as a tool for creative output, with additional access to digital cameras, studio lights, A3 colour printing, Wacom tablets and a GoPro camera.
In addition to Digital Art equipment, all students have personal access to Adobe Creative Suite, and are encouraged to make the most of their learning journey.
Virtual Learning Curriculum
ISL is leading the way in adapting to the virtual learning environment.
Although our preference is to have our students in school, as Government guidelines dictate, we are equipped to deliver our entire IB programme virtually as and when required, and able to deliver the highest quality virtual learning to the homes our students and community.
Computer-based Mathematics
At ISL, we recognise that we live in a digital world, and the ability to create and interact with digital content is a skill that will become increasingly strategic in the future. We acknowledge the fact that machines can perform calculations in a fast and reliable way, so our learning in mathematics starts with real-life problems, whilst retaining the rigour of a mathematical approach.