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Dive into the world of digestion with our innovative students

Across the Globe

Our Grade 8 Science students embarked on an exciting journey to create an educational game that shines a spotlight on digestion-related diseases. Through this game, they aim to entertain and enlighten audiences about the wonders of the digestive process in an engaging and interactive way.

Guided by their passion and curiosity, students collaborated with their science teachers to identify the essential knowledge and skills needed for their project. This student-driven approach fosters a sense of ownership, empowering them to take the lead in their learning journey.

To deepen their understanding, students meticulously explored the roles of digestive system organs and delved into the factors contributing to disease development and treatment. They conducted hands-on experiments to uncover the wonders of enzymes in digestion, honing their experimental and scientific method skills along the way. Through various assignments, they also sharpened their research and scientific communication abilities.

Our learners will not stop there. They will broaden their horizons by examining the accessibility of treatment worldwide and understanding the factors that influence this accessibility. Inspired by their discoveries, they brainstormed innovative ways to make a global impact. Throughout this process, their enthusiasm has been infectious!

By understanding the 'why' behind their learning, students are not only enjoying the process but are also more engaged and motivated than ever before.


Dive into the world of digestion with our innovative students
Dive into the world of digestion with our innovative students
  • Grade 8
  • News Post
  • Science