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Shaping our research for remote working

Across the Globe
Research Institute final virtual meeting of this academic year

The Research Institute met for the final time this academic year on Wed 17th June. Dr Rob and Ms Mirela joined us for the session and we reflected on what we have learned and experienced throughout the last academic year. We certainly could not have anticipated a global pandemic and a temporary school closure when we started our work way back in September!

At the beginning of our remote working experience in March, we had to rewrite our study design based on the possibility of having to collect data remotely. This forced us to change our methods of data collection and so the student team decided to extend the timeline of the project. We now plan to collect our data early next term, which will mean we will be analysing our data, drawing our conclusions and finishing the write-up of the workaround December. What this also means is that our team of student researchers hope to present their finished work at the ECIS MLIE conference being held online from 25-27th Feb 2021. The students will learn about the process of submitting a conference proposal in order to apply for this opportunity! We are looking forward to finding out more about how an online conference will work and the various ways we can share our research with the academic community. We wish our student research team a very well-earned rest over the summer away from their screens and look forward to continuing our work next term and maybe even welcoming some new student researchers to the team.

Shaping our research for remote working
  • MYP
Shaping our research for remote working
  • MYP
  • Research Institute
  • Virtual Learning