There is something for everyone in our three libraries, in a variety of languages.
PYP students are given the opportunity to borrow books once a week during timetabled library visits. They are also able to visit during their morning and lunch break. MYP students are able to visit the library before, during and after school to browse, borrow books, and study, so all students have ready access to our collection.
With our regularly scheduled special events in the Main Library (book month, Scholastic book fair, storytelling weeks, among others) the library team work with staff all over the school to ensure we are fostering a love for reading among all our students.
Research Skills
The skills and knowledge needed to be an independent, sceptical and critical researcher are necessary in our increasingly online world. Research skills are taught during PYP timetabled weekly lessons, integrated into their curriculum. Students learn how to differentiate between fact and fiction, how best to search online for information, and some of the common research pitfalls to avoid as a budding researcher. Students also learn the foundations of academic writing, including the basics of citing information and other elements of academic writing structure.
MYP teachers are able to book research-based lessons for their classes. We have run workshops covering citation styles, how to reference information, how to use specific databases, and the dangers of plagiarism.
The Library team continues to provide weekly research skills lessons for PYP students during online learning. Students continue to learn the fundamentals of good digital citizenship and research skills, preparing them as they continue their academic progress in a virtual environment. MYP teachers can book research-based lessons for any of their classes that we can adapt to remote learning.
Research Institute
Connecting our students to the world of research.
The International School of London Research Institute is an innovative initiative that gives interested MYP students the opportunity to conduct original academic university-level research.